
enterprise technology


Expert IT services for the Enterprise Technology

​At MACSBIT our team plans, acquires or develops and manages the organization’s enterprise applications and systems. Key activities of the Section include the establishment of core infrastructure and network services; software development and support for enterprise applications; Enterprise Architecture and Project Management; Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system support, Web management as well as Regional Offices support.

The Section consists of three (3) units:

1.) Core Services and Infrastructure Management (CSIM) Unit, which oversees:

Core system services including the establishment, maintenance and management of operating systems on servers, workstations, storage and Storage Area Network (SAN) as well as the operations, implementation and management of the Network Infrastructure.

Office automation and Service Operations, oversight of the Help desk, as well as the management of application services like Email, Office Applications, first level user support, service management and, IT asset acquisition and management including their maintenance and inventory.

2.) Enterprise Applications Services Unit (EAS), which oversees:

Solution acquisition and/or development including the installation, configuration, maintenance, quality assurance, vulnerability testing, and operational management of Enterprise Applications such as the SharePoint platform, the ERP System (Agresso), Confluence, Jira, etc.

Technical services for web publishing covering Public Websites, the Secure Portal and the Intranet as well as user access management across those platforms.

3.) Enterprise Architecture and Project Management Unit, (EAPM), which oversees:

Development and Management of Enterprise Architecture framework including stakeholder interaction and collaboration modalities. Provision and coordination of Solution and solution architecture scenarios as well as Business Analysts (BA) resource pools for Business process and work programme automation.

Project Management (PM) artefacts and system tools as well as provide support PM activities across the organization.


The industry sectors we served include

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Benefits to bank on

Our clients are able to increase end-user productivity without sacrificing usability.

  • Business Agility

    Business growth and seasonal flexibility are easily scaled as our banking IT services adapt to the client’s needs allowing them to easily add and remove users without a headache.

  • Security and compliance

    Our clients are able to control business sensitive data and adhere to compliance mandates securely and efficiently while enabling staff to access the data when and how they need it.

  • Office mobility

    We help clients create secure applications and remote user experiences in a reliable and secure network for a mobile workforce that can extend to multiple bank branches and offsite contractors.

  • Application development

    By partnering with us. From the beginning, our managed IT support works within a set budget so our clients get exactly what their business needs without end of month surprises.

Stop wasting time and money on technology. Let’s get started


Transform your technology by focusing on 3 key areas

  • refresh-database-1856_a6704a77-603a-45b0-925d-41498e0fb1aa

    Data transformation

    Accelerate “Data-to-Insight-to-Action” cycle, by consuming offerings like Data-as-a-Service and Reporting-as-a-Service.

  • radar-signal-727_b1dcc914-3ee5-449c-941e-d4684ee50ba3

    Digital enablement

    Drive key business outcomes, using the full service digital stack – Mosaic, Digital Jedis, and human-centered design experience.

  • handshake-2819_4c48473b-74a8-4575-890d-e1824695a74c

    Innovation partnership

    Adopt a collaborative approach to innovation, by leveraging innovation labs, future financial ecosystems, alliances & partners.


Our Expertise

Our experts have deep knowledge about the complexities of the enterprises and know how to deploy digital technology to transform enterprises operations.



